Today my whole body is aching and I feel like I am getting sick....I think it is because of the very intense last week.
Not only did I once again have to make a new decision to say no to the manager position (although I am flattered that they called and asked me to reconsider) but 90% of our unit was sold to another company, and people were very upset with that. I belong to the remaining 10% who is staying on the original company, but for quite a while we did not know where we belong to. Then the week continued with the three day long grief recovery workshop, and I continued using the tools I have learned to grief some other people during the weekend, and now I am just beat.....I guess it is my body saying that I need to stop for a while, and that is what I am going to do. I am not going to train as I planned to, instead I am going to go home and take a long warm bath.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I am beat....
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
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Saturday, February 23, 2008
Third day of grief recovery
Yesterday it was the third day of the grief recovery workshop. It was the roughest day for my part as this day consisted of making a relationship chart over mine and my mother relationship, and also writing a fullfilment letter, that you can also partly call a goodbye letter. Reading the relationship chart was really hard, but reading the fullfilment letter actually made me feel like something was flying away from me. After I had read the letter I remember watching up to the roof and thinking she is free and so am I....I am not going to publish the whole letter as it was quite long, but I will publish the end of it here, the part of letting go:
Thank you mother for loving me so much as you did and I want you to know that I am so very sad for the fact that life was such a big darkness for you, and so many times I wished I would have had magic powers that would have helped you. Despite everything, I will cherish my positive memories of you in my heart.
I know that you are afraid of letting go, and so am I, but maybe it is time for us to do it? Maybe we can do it together? Both be free from the prison of the past.
I miss you a lot mum, more than I have wanted to admit, and I love you.
I forgive you for all the bad memories, and I know you always tried your best, but now it is time to say goodbye.
Goodbye mother
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Saturday, February 23, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Second day of Grief recovery
Today we presented our loss charts. A loss chart is a chart that shows the losses in your life. It was hard to tell about it to the other people in the goup and some losses definetly still hurts...
Our second task was to imagine that you would die in an hour and you needed to write our last toughts before you would die. You also needed to write a letter to the ones left behind and here is my letter:
The meaning of life is to live in freedom with yourself, not to lock yourself in, in accordance to what other people think or what society thinks, the only one who can keep yourself free is you. Dont make my mistake and spend half of your life punishing youself for things that were not your fault, but learn to let go of what hurts and allow yourself to enjoy life to 110%!
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Thursday, February 21, 2008
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
First day of Grief Recovery
Today was the first day of the grief recovery workshop ( I am attending.
This day was not that hard as it consisted mostly of lectures, but there were som tragic lifestorys that were shared with the group.
Tomorrow and on Friday we are going to work more on our own grief and we are also going to choose a person that we are going to mourn. I am guessing mine will be my mother although there are two more candidates that needs closure, but I will probably take them at a later point.
Right now I am just feeling sad, but that is part of the process.....
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
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Sunday, February 17, 2008
Winter beauty
I was home in Finland during this weekend to attend a wedding. Once again I was feeling reliefed once I was on my way back home to Stockholm. But I was struck by the beauty of my hometown. When living there as a kid I never realized what a oasis I was living in, I did not see the beauty of the sea and the archipelago and I did not feel the peacefulness in the town.
There is a major difference from the buzzling Stockholm and this sleeping summertown, which is taking its beautysleep during the wintertime to be at its best during the summertime. Still....for me there is more under the surface than what is showing, the icecold sleep is hiding old memories from the past, memories that cannot be erased....
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Sunday, February 17, 2008
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Etiketter: me, travel/vacation
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I got a challenge from Maria, and it is a long time since I did one the last time, so here we go:
What did you do ten years ago?
I lived in a small town in south of Finland, studied and lived a decadent life. Those days are now gone (lucklily!)
What did you do a year ago?
I celebrated that it was a year since I moved to Stockholm and felt happy that I had finally made the decision to move here. It really feels like my home :)
Three kind of candy you like?
Sura remmar, turkish pepper and chupachops lollipops
Three songs that you know all the words to?
Hmm....Enternal flame with Bangles, Chiquitita with Abba and....Touch me with Samantha Fox. All those old goodies ;)
What would you do if you were a millionare?
I would spend my time working with trying to give away money to places needed, or have different projects to build schools etc. Then I would also have a home in the Fiji Islands, Sydney and somewhere in the Caribbean....and some other stuff here and there :)
Three bad habits?
I like eating chocolate to breakfast in the weekends, I like having cake at least once a week, I like watching reality (crap) TV.
Three things you like to do?
Dancing, sunbathing, travelling
Three things you would never wear or buy?
Neon coloured t-shirts, goth clothes, ??
Three favourite things?
A picture of my grandmother, a seal toy that I have had since I was 8 years old, a painting I bought from Benin in Africa
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008
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Etiketter: lists and tests
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Saying No.
I did the whole day management assesment today and I decided that I am not going to take the position as a manager.
I feel like I am not ready for it yet, and I would probably be able to do it, but I feel the chances for a burn out would be very big.
Saying no is also a strength ;)
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Thursday, February 07, 2008
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Etiketter: work
Monday, February 4, 2008
3:rd step in jobinterview
OMG! The next step is to have a whole day management assesment with interviews, IQ test, perosnality test, motivation test and role playing. I don´t feel like I am ready to become a manager and I guess that will show up in the test, but it is definetly going to be an interesting experience with some good feedback....wish me luck...or something :)
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Monday, February 04, 2008
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Etiketter: work