Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Around the World trip

It feels kind of funny to realize that I have actually been around the world.
A few years agon when I was going to Australia to study for half a year I booked my ticket way to late, but I had to get a ticket as I needed to be in Australia when the semester started. The travel agent was sweating as he was trying to find me a ticket, and after an hour he actually had one! It would just take me a bit longer than excpected to reach my destination, more precisely one week!!
First I flew to Frankfurt, from Frankfurt to New York, from New York to Los Angeles and there I stayed for two days. The my trip continued from Los Angeles to Fiji, from Fiji to Sydney and there I stayed for three days. Then I was finally able to fly from Sydney to Perth where I was going to stay for half a year.
My trip back was way faster. I flew from Sydney to Singapore, stayed there for 12 hours, from Singapore to Frankfurt och from Frankffurt home, it took me only 26 hours.
So when looking on the map I have pretty much exactly been around the world. Hmmm...interesting :)
Jorden runt, världen


Unknown said...

Hi. Do I know you?

I'm this guy: natedatater.livejournal.com

P I F F L A N said...

No, you don´t know me.

Anonymous said...

congrats! you successfully made the roun the world trip! (I sounded like a creepy travel agent there...) haha! but seriously, I'm totally jealous of you now coz I'm still in Africa and enjoying deserts and safaris for now.. :)

Unknown said...

How did you find me, then?