I had a wonderful christmas. The family that I am staying with are so nice and they have so much love for eachother that some of it even gets to me :)We had this amazing christmas dinner yesterday with good meat, coconut rise with raisins, sweet plantana and an amazing cake. Of course we drank homemade sangria to the dinner. After dinner we waited for the fieworks to start and then it was time to walk around to all he neighbours and wish merry christmas. Before twelve o clock it is apperantly family time and after that it is party time. One of the neighbours had his big sound systme on his yard and he played very loud christmas music before twelve o clock and then it was time for samba and salsa music all night long :)
Helping to cook dinner :)
My panamian family :)
Vilken HÄRLIG jul! =) Att gå runt till grannar och människor runt omkring och önska god jul! (inget man gör här precis:) Och så partystämningen! Tack för att du delar med dig. Kanske man ska fira jul i Panama nästa gång då ;)
Åh så härligt! Låter helt underbart med gästfriheten de visar och så kul med både hemmamys och party:) KRAM i massor
Kvinnan vid bordet ser så glad ut. Får lust att skåla med henne där ;) och med dig oxå såklart, haha. Kram!
Hej, the dinner looks good. Glad that you are having a good time. I heard from Stockholm that it was just mud and rain with no snow.
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