I just found out that my dad is in hospital, he has a problem with his back and he is at the moment getting alot of painkillers and can´t really move.
I called him and he actually talked to me like he would to a friend, I don´t know if it was the painkillers or the boredom that got him to talk, but it felt really good. He talked to me about he was feeling, how the painkillers made him think that a dirtspot on the sheet was moving and how his wife needs to go for a heart examination next week.
Before I called, I wasn´t even sure if I wanted to call, as I felt a bit of the old bitterness towards him for not coming to visit me in the hospital when I had my second brainsurgery, but after talking with him I decided to forgive him for that. Now I am just happy that he talked to me and told me things about how he felt.
I am going to call him tomorrow again, and maybe I need to examine myself and some old unhealthy, unresolved feelings also... and maybe this could be a chance for us to improve our realtionship....keep your fingers crossed!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
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Sunday, November 18, 2007
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My fingers are crossed X! ;)
Som jag kanske sagt innan, men livet är så knasigt och vi är olika som individer, vi vill nog detsamma men tänker o agerar på olika sätt beroende på vem vi är, var vi kommer ifrån o hur livet varit mot oss (eller med)... Kanske får ni en underbar kontakt...o bättre sent än aldrig.
Jag håller tummarna för dig!
Jag håller tummarna för dig!! Jag hoppas verkligen att ni kan få en relation så som du vill ha den. Jag vet att det är svårt men det går, det måste det helt enkelt göra. KRAM
I am crossing my fingers and toes for you.
It's nice that you and your dad could talk. Maybe both of you are realizing that it's important to put the past behind you.
bj, jo det är sant...man kanske inte ska dömma folk för att de inte gör exakt som man väntat sig...
maria, ja, jag håller också hoppet uppe :)
pat, thanks for the toes ;)
syd, yeah, I hope you are right...
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