Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I have never been a shoe person, although that trait seems to be increasing with age. :)
Today I was sitting and waiting for the subway and I started looking at peoples shoes without looking at anything else. It was actually extremely interesting, because so many times I felt like the shoes did not fit the person who was wearing them or the oufit they where wearing.
I saw a pair of shoes and thought it was a young hip person, then I looked at the outfit and I got a bit more uncertain about the person, and as I saw the face it was not at all somebody who I imagined for those shoes. It felt like the shoes had their own lives, and maybe it is true that the shoes tells a lot about a person?
I don´t think I actually ever before have looked at people from the bottom up, and just finding personalities in the shoes. It was interesting and a new experience for me :)


30-nånting said...

Det här låter som något jag måste testa. Jag gillar verkligen att glo på folk och att börja med att glo på deras skor för att få en känsla av personen låter superbt.

Lintin said...

Fan vad intressant observation!

P I F F L A N said...

30-någonting och Lintin: ja det var intressant, lite som en uppenbarelse ;)

Anonymous said...

Kommer ihåg för ca 27 år sedan, när vi satt på Köpenhamns tågcentral och väntade på tåget hem till Sverige. Vi var ett gäng gymnasieelever, klasskamrater, trötta, bakis.. vi satt där och kollade in skor, precis som du. Kommer ihåg det som om det var igår. Jag gjorde samm iakttagelse som du.. Kul!


P I F F L A N said...

ja visst är det intressant. Gjorde det idag igen och skorna passade inte alls ihop med ansiktena :)

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

okay, now I'm going to try that out...people watching, Shoe up!!
interesting thought process, I liked it!!