Do you ever imagine your own funeral?
I am not asking because I am suicidal or want to die or anything, I am just asking because sometimes I imagine my own funeral. I wonder who would be there, I wonder if people would really be sad and I wonder how fast people would forget me?
Sometimes I also imagine a bad accident and I wonder who would come and visit me to the hospital, who would be the first one I would call and who would really worry about me?
I guess all of theese thoughts are about uncertanty of my meaning in mine and other peoples life. Do I put my permanent print on the people I meet or am I just like water on your body, you feel it when it is there, but when it is dry it is forgotten and untraceable?
constantly moving and fastly disappearing as water
hard, stable and cold like a stone
hot and destructive as fire
never ending and forever exsisting like the everchanging sky
light and invisible but neccessary for living, like air
Who are you?
Jag har faktiskt tänkt på min begravning många gånger förr. Har tänkt på vilken musik som ska spelas upp (som jag vill välja själv) och jag vet några som skulle sörja enormt, därför vet jag också att jag är älskad. Men det har jag bara tänkt när jag varit riktigt nere. Annars tänker jag aldrig så.
Det har funnits tider då jag inte orkade mer & ibland kunde jag fantisera om att sätta in dödsannons i tidningen men riktad till kunderna etc, typ: "BJ är död." Med det ville jag lämna det gamla för gott...
Dina frågor här...kanske är du lite av varje?... Med mig själv vet jag inte, har aldrig funderat på det...
Hoppas du sover gott :) Kram.
Interesting post today. I have to give this one some thought.
My funeral will be a celebration if there is anyone left around (my mother lived to be 95). I went to a celebration of life several years ago and there were all of the deceased person's things--his boat, his dogs, his collection of hats, old photos, etc. It was very moving and very cool. That's what I want.
BJ, mina begravningstankar har inte så mycket att göra med om jag är lessen eller inte lustigt nog...
Pat, Let me know if you come to some conclusion ;)
Syd, what a great idea, I think that is how I would like to have my funeral too.
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